Together we create a safer world because a CRY member close to you will be ALERTED and can respond with help DAY and NIGHT – 365 Days

CRY is a mobile App to Alert or create an instantaneous awareness of the user’s current location and safety situation.
CRYis a readily accessible App solution that immediately relays a call for help to all other CRY users within a distance pre-selected by the CRY user. So, no matter what the emergency is, HELP is just the Tap of an App on your mobile away.
The most unique feature of CRY is the advantage that a call for HELP can be activated and relayed to anywhere in the world.
By being part of the CRY community, you never have to feel unsafe or alone when faced with a potential life-threatening situation, such as one being:-
- Kidnapped
- High-jacked
- Mugged or robbed
- Stalked or attacked
- Suffering a heart attack, stroke or any medical emergency
Welcome to the connected world of the international CRY family and social awareness community to build a safer environment – CRY

I have neither allowed nor authorized you to harass or attack me. By attempting to attack me, YOU ALLOW and AUTHORIZE ME to take a picture. The picture is not in this mobile. The CRY SERVER has secured the picture and will be shared with the AUTHORITIES, ON REQUEST.

Group Mode
If you want to use CRY amongst a private GROUP, for example:- farming community- school- student- class, children’s outing or party, private party guests, excursion, hotel-guests, mountain hiking, group cycling, etc.
When CRY APP is launched – Tap Green settings Button (within 4 seconds) Scroll down to View Group:
Top right corner – Tap + Persons (next to red bell) – Create Group – Group Name – SAVE
Invite members to add to your selected Group – use their name or email address.
They receive your invitation – tick accept and the selected member will be added to your Group.
Now all members in your group are connected with each other.
If one of the group gets into a distressed situation – he/she taps CRY SOS panic button and all connected members get informed about the CRY caller (with picture and name) – where and what distance through Google maps . All connected Group members can become a first responder and call for help.
If any member of the Group is missing any group member can just press the GPS button in Top Right corner and get directed through the live Google Map where and how to reach the distressed Caller /victim, except in the event where the distressed caller has disconnected himself from the Group.
You can create as many Groups as you need. Your ability to tap CRY for help is always active. You can always switch between Individual mode >Red Button< Start Panic and Group Mode >Green Settings Button<.After a 4 seconds delay in non-tapping of the Green Button – Red CRY Panic Mode activates automatically.
Teach your children !!! Inform friends, family and associates to join the CRY Community and blog your experiences.

- TAP the CRY App Icon on your mobile.
- Whatever emergency you are facing, for example, an assault, potential rape, harassment, or robbery, HELP is on its way once you have activated the CRY App.
- The CRY App can be activated whether you are in your car, traveling by bus or plane, or just walking your dog.

- The nearby CRY members get notified by a pop-up message indicating the distance in meters from the distress CRY caller.
- The exact location is pinpointed on a map including the shortest route to reach the distress Caller.

- If at all possible, immediately point your mobile screen at the potential aggressor.
- The criminal data, incident or situation is immediately captured via digital image.
- Your location via GPS coordinates and mapping are sent immediately to the closest CRY users such as your family and the local emergency services using the CRY App.
- As soon as a user’s CRY App is activated user’s mobile screen will indicate current location as well as the number of other CRY members that have been Alerted within the selected distances from location
- A photo image of the potential aggressor, is captured when you point mobile selfie camera at the suspect and image is recorded on the CRY server – and
- A CRY server detects and maps the GPS coordinates of location of the distressed CRY call and forwards them to the mobile devices of all other CRY members who are within your preselected radius. –
- Other CRY members get notified by a Pop-up message indicating the distance in metres from the distressed CRY caller – Exact Location is pinpointed on a map including distressed Caller.
- During a distressed CRY call – Senders as well as Receivers – are recorded on the CRY servers.