CRY management is already designing an upgrade to its future Help and Alert functionalities which should greatly enhance every member’s user experience. –Always live consciously –Together we will build an international world community of likeminded members which have each other best interest and safety at heart Help your neighbor with the same commitment as you want to be helped !
CRY is the result and product of a group of concerned members of the public worried about the increase in abuse crime and violence perpetuated against ordinary people in the communities we all live and work in all around the world. Everybody can identify him/herself with the story CRY.
CRY is a digital CRY for HELP!. It has the potential to mobilize all people around and in close proximity to you to watch out and take action should you become distressed or fall victim to a soft or hard criminal activity. Being alert, conscious and aware of one’s surroundings will go a long way in reducing crime in our cities and communities. Don’t close your eyes and look the other way become a member of CRY and build a connected interactive world to help our friends, neighbors and fellow men and women to live a more happy, carefree and crime controlled life.
It is the wish of the CRY management that worst case scenarios never happen. However, the more mobile phone users download and install the CRY app to create member density with its universal functionality –the higher the probability rises to substantially reduce, prevent, or prosecute soft and hard criminal activities as well as unforeseen emergencies in whichever disguise format or flavour.
CRY is a community owned social emergency ALERT system to assist local Police services, Private security and community Emergency services in the fight against daily criminal activities and to try and reduce and prevent kidnappings, rape, assault, murder, physical abuse, intimidation etc.
- 1 ) CRY is not a 911 call and does not directly Alert the Police, Ambulance, Hospital Fire brigade or any other emergency services.
- 2 ) A CRY panic Alert cannot guarantee life, safety, help, health or assistance or prevent any criminal activity, incident or accident but could ensure that CRY members within your pre-selected radius receive an immediate Alert to enable mobilize first responders to act.
Your child is walking home from school and she is accosted by someone who potentially means her harm. She Taps the CRY App and immediately a sound and visual ALERT is dispatched to whomever is connected to the CRY App community within her selected location radius. Her location coordinates are immediately available to you and members of the family, friends, and all other CRY APP members. Anyone of them in turn can alert the local emergency services. Simultaneously she can turn and point her mobile phone selfie camera lens at the aggressor which automatically captures a photo image of the aggressor, which the Bio-metric identification program of the CRY Server maps and saves for further processing.
You are in a car accident at night in a fairly remote area and you are unable to make a phone call because of injury or shock, all you have to do is Tap the CRY App and every CRY member within your pre-selected radius will be ALERTED with your location coordinates and be able to act as a first responder by either assisting or calling the emergency services to assist or call for professional security or medical help. This is especially helpful where an accident victim suffers a serious injury, or medical condition such as diabetes, heart failure or stroke and requires immediate medical evacuation, attention or assistance.